Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday's Ramblings

One week into preschool and we have survived!! Mason loves school but hates waking up in the morning!! Trying to achieve just the right balance of letting him sleep until the very last minute possible but also giving him time to adjust and not rush through the routine of getting ready.

He's been so cute - coming home everyday singing songs and beaming with pride at his smiley faces on the conduct chart! I did hear from Kelly that he ran away from Natalie on the playground . . . sad that he ran away from Natalie but three cheers that Mom is still his favorite girl!!

On a mission to pack the best lunchbox ever . . . so far, according to Mason, the winner is Bagel Bites, strawberry yogurt, frozen grapes, marshmallows, and water. This month's edition of Parents magazine has some great kid-friendly but yet healthy suggestions . . . such as, celery stalks w/peanut butter and raisins, leftover pasta, hardboiled eggs, melon balls, popcorn, etc. Any thoughts?

Speaking of lunch, is it Mason's school or just his teacher that won't let him have chocolate milk? He loves chocolate milk but has told me twice that "chocolate is not for daytime" and he has to drink "pink milk." Is this some sort of obesity issue or a please nap after lunch issue?

moving on . . .
In my pre-baby days, I never started Christmas shopping until the day after Thanksgiving but yesterday I found myself wanting/needing to look for Christmas presents! (maybe just b/c its been a long time since I've ordered online and I miss the UPS guy!) Has anyone else started shopping? I've never shopped this early so I'm a little fearful that I'll change my mind and then end up over-buying . . .

Along the Christmas lines, in 2007 I bought everyone in my family games, in order to start a family game night tradition. We have only played like twice but we are working on it!! Last year, everyone got monogrammed Santa bags stuffed full with presents. I need a good idea for a family gift theme this year too . . . put on your thinking caps and send some ideas or things that you have done!!

Well I've about wasted away nap time without dusting so I'll end with a new easy recipe!
Chicken Alfredo
1 lb. chicken breasts
2 16 oz jar alfredo sauce

Put ingredients in crock-pot, season to taste, cook on low for 5 - 6 hours. Serve with noodles! Super yummy and super easy!







Anonymous said...

Yeah why is your kid running away from mine!!! I would love to hide at the playground and see what they do, kids are so funny. Well I haven't heard about this milk issue.....Natalie quit drinking milk completely so this hasn't been brought up. As you know I never Christmas shop the day after Thanksgiving b/c I can't deal with the crowds, but this year I've decided to start in September at that Melissa and Doug toy party Kalli's having. Aren't you proud?!?! September! Gotta be a record for me. Well I better get back to work. The blog is too cute by the way. Hope the kids feel better soon and I hope you and Ryan don't catch it! Love ya, Kelly

Kelly Cobb said...

Ok have no idea how I became Anonymous! You know who I am!!!

Lauren said...

Good for you, Mindy! You're such a good mommy! Since I still eat a kid-style lunch everyday (that's what my boss tells me), I can share my suggestions with you: pb&j sandwich, goldfish, and jell-o OR hummus with pita chips and carrots to dip, and jell-o. And I always drink water. Yes, I'm pretty boring. hehe!

I'll have to ask my mom about the chocolate milk thing and get back to you...