Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My baby boy is FOUR!! How in the world did that happen? He is so proud to be 4 and has been holding up his "four" fingers to everyone - like the cashier at Best Buy, random kids in the chick-fil-a playground, etc. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating his Shapes & Colors when he turned 2 and his love for all things John Deere when he turned 3! And now it's Super Mario Bros!

We were very worried about the weather this weekend so we moved his party to my parents pool  house where it would be okay if things got muddy and wet.  Luckily the rain held off except for a few sprinkles toward the end.  The kids then declared the bounce house slide a water slide and all the parents declared they would end up with the flu!

Thanks for our sweet friend, Taylor, for making Conner's Mario cake!

Mason & Conner aka the Super Brown Brothers
enjoying some jumpy time before the party starts!

This has to be one of my favorite party pictures!!

Needing a lil help from Mom and Mason with the candles!

Conner was facing me with his back to everyone while they sang
Happy Birthday and I'm glad his HUGE smile was reserved for me,
but I wish everyone could have seen how happy their presence and their
singing JUST TO HIM made him feel! I was like the moon radiating the sun -
the smile on my face was nothing compared to the smile on his!

And we interrupt Conner to bring you FAITH and her ReRe!
ReRe was carrying her around last year at Conner's party where she
made her first party appearance! She has gotten so big and has such a
spunkly lil personality!

Conner declaring his undying love to his Mimee and Papa for his
"very own DS!" He and Mason have been sharing Mason's and he
was beyond thrilled to get one for his birthday!

Conner's actual birthday was yesterday and he went to school with cupcakes to celebrate with his friends! He got a big hug from his teacher - I love that his school loves him! I wasn't able to celebrate with him at school but he said it was a great day!

Since my birthday was last week we celebrated ourselves at Shogun last night.  The boys had never been and we had a great experience.  We went early and had our own private room and chef and table and he did a FANTASTIC job interacting with the boys and making sure they had fun! Conner, who never eats when we go out to eat, was devouring his steak and chicken like nobody's business! He even managed to eat his rice with chopsticks!

He got a booster seat for the car for his birthday and he was very excited about reaching that milestone! No more car seat - sniff, sniff!

Conner you are a lively little boy who never runs out of steam.  You think you are Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and we have all been chopped and hit enough that we almost believe you.  You jump all over our furniture and when you get hurt you are beyond puzzled as to why you can't do what ninja's do. 

You love being outside and getting dirty and doing boy things with Daddy or Papa.  It rained on Sunday and we were thanking God for the rain and rainbows and you thanked him for mud instead! You (and Mason) are both collectors of rocks.  People often wonder why I have rocks and sticks in my car and it's because you take rocks from anywhere and everywhere and make me hold them.

Besides being rambuctious you are also amazingly sweet and caring.  You are fiercely devoted to your family and do not let anything happen to us. You give great hugs and kisses and occasionaly you just lick us to keep us guessing!

Your favorite saying at the moment is "My do what my want to do," which usually follows being told not to do something - play with knives, jumping off bunk beds, etc.

But your little grin is quite infectious and you do not get in trouble near enough I'm sure!


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