Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jolly Ol' Saint Nick

Ryan wasn't feeling well yesterday so I bravely traveled to Bass Pro at 6:00 p.m. to wait in line to see Santa with the boys! I spent about 45 minutes promising Mason that all he had to do was stand in the general vicinity of Santa, just close enough to be in the picture.  He didn't have to talk and didn't have to sit in his lap.  Conner was very excited about Santa, however.

And all that changed when it was our turn! Conner wanted no part of Santa and I told Santa Mason only wanted to stand by him, but this Santa was pretty insistent that Mason would be OK on his lap.

Here is the end result!!!


Lauren said...

haha! I LOVE that picture! Their faces are totally priceless!

The Doyals said...

LOVE it! Glad y'all are all well now (knock on wood). Bailey wound up having a pretty bad sore throat, but I think we're on the mend. Merry Christmas to y'all!!!