Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm Not One of Those Mama's . . .

doing carthwheels in the streets the day that Christmas break is over!! And no offense if you are, I totally get it!  Yes, life is simpler and quieter with only one at home (and one I can lock up for nap time for at least an hour), but I have really enjoyed having Mason home and Conner definitely has too!

To celebrate his last day of freedom I took them to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday!  He spent went to the movies and spent the night with my parents the day before so he was still gone while Conner & I were getting ready.  Here is my "so pretty, sweet baby" before our departure . . .

Little boys dig their mama's make-up too! Our stuffed puppy dog, "Woof, Woof," even got a makeover as well!

Chuck E. Cheese was fun! I'd never taken them without Ryan and I was a little nervous about being able to keep track of both of them.  Mason stayed pretty close by while I watched Conner and thankfully it wasn't too crowded!

Bob the Builder meets Bob the Builder . . . just don't notice that my Bob is barefoot - gross!
He has been pulling off his socks in the car and chewing on them and when we got there his socks were soaking wet!  Then when they played on the jungle gym thing he had to go barefoot.  I don't really even want to think of the germs!

Sweet Mason - we miss you so much today!


Kelly Cobb said...

So I was sitting here thinking about you and I thought I haven't talked to you in a while.....then I remembered your blog and now I feel all caught up ;) I for one am glad break is over but for a totally different reason, I see my kids MORE during school than when they are on break so I like to get back into the school routine. Miss you, see you Sunday!

The Doyals said...

Love the makeup pictures!!! He and Bailey could go work at the counter in the mall!!!