Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The HEAT is on!

It's 27 degrees outside and the HEAT was on at Calvary Baptist Church's Family Life Center last night - the Calvary Hoops HEAT 5/6 Co-Ed basketball team that is!

Mason has been dying to play basketball and last night was his first game!  Ryan & I went and my mom stayed home with sweet baby Conner who is feeling something terrible!  The game was the first time 8 people from our team, or actually just more than 4, all showed up at the same time so as you can imagine it was something a little chaotic.  Our team lost and looked a little lost on the court but fun was had by all!  In our defense, they say we played THE TEAM and they are all in 1st grade, older than us, and played together last year.

Here is my man Mason, #4
(I'm going to need help thinking of a famous white basketball player other than Larry Bird.)

Saying a prayer before the game . . .
didn't realize at the time that Mason wasn't praying he was smiling at the camera!

the HEAT getting a little practice in



The Doyals said...

A few comments...
#1- Love the new blog title (I liked Mindy's Musings too, but this is even better)!
#2- You have certainly been busy with all your posting- perhaps you had some time to catch up while your sick baby napped (hope he's feeling better)!
#3- You can tell Mason that Mrs. Holly's favorite number is 4 so he must be the lucky player!

The Whalen Family said...

Where are his Air Jordans?