Saturday, September 18, 2010

Airport Fly-In

Mason & I got up early this morning and headed to the airport in Mansfield for a "fly-in." I'm really not exactly sure what that is but we had fun for the short time we were there!

The main attraction for Mason were the hot air balloons! He wanted to go on an actual ride but I just couldn't spend $400 for both of us to ride one so he settled for a tethered hot air balloon "lift-off."  It was neat but very hot, as they kept having to use the flames to get us to go up!

And just a note - there is not easy way in or out of the balloons - so I think it's possible I grabbed the man in navy & khaki in the buttocks region! Oops!!!

After our short ride we checked out some of the old planes and watched tons of small planes take off, land, and taxi around.  Mason enjoyed that.  On our way out we stopped by the Christian Motorcycle Association table to get some FREE water and snacks and visit with a lady from our church.

Next stop was to go to church to set up for our first Sunday in our new Sunday School rooms! Love them - they are so fabulous so if you aren't busy at 9:45 tomorrow . . . you know where I'll be!

It was a fun Mommy & Mason morning! Ryan & Conner had planned a Daddy Day together but since my little C has woken up with fever for the 4th day in a row I think that is going to be postponed!

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