Monday the one I'd hoped for called and Tuesday we were at Open House and Thursday we were there! He was SO EXCITED! Of course we needed some pictures before school - excuse the mess - it's been hectic around here!
You can't tell it but Mason was very happy for Conner!
Encouraging him to get dressed and eat breakfast
and telling him what fun school is!
We still had a few minutes so I took some really cute pictures of Conner at his "big school." I wish I could say that photographic genius struck and I posed this picture but actually I was trying to get him to smile at me and all he wanted to do was watch the lawnmowers. I think it turned out PERFECT however!
All grown up and ready for college . . . oops, I mean Mom's Day Out!
He was the first one in his room and I thought that might bring on some anxiety . . . I was sadly wrong! He went right to playing like he'd been there every day of his life.
So dropping off went smoothly but now what to do with myself??? I really had no idea how I'd fill 5 hours but somehow I managed! First stop Target since I had $15 in gift cards/coupons and I was excited to find all the essentials for Mason's Halloween costume for $16, as opposed to having to order it for over $60! My crafty friend Holly is going to help make his cloak so that he can be a knight in shiny armour. Last year I bought Conner's Halloween costume on Halloween so for it to be September 3 and I already have stuff is nothing short of a miracle! I am so thankful for this opportunity!
The rest of the day was filled with haircuts and errands and barely time for lunch before I needed to pick up Conner. He had a great day and can't wait to go back next Thursday! As we set in the car pick up line for Mason he fell asleep which is rare for him and a sure sign of a fun day at play!
Yay for a good first day! And yay for you getting some things done with no kiddos in tow!
Does that mean you are going to stop calling him baby???
SO glad he had a great day! Even more glad that you did too! You'll soon realize that those 5 hours go by SOOOO fast!
Well I'm getting caught up on your blog! The pictures are really cute! He's growing up on you ;) Glad his first day went great!
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