Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Conner Chronicles: Part II

Since my last post about Conner he was healthy and happy for about a week - yea! That however was short-lived because exactly a week later, which was this past Monday, he began to run fever again.  We were at the doctor first thing Tuesday morning.  The doctor found ulcers and sores in his mouth and diagnosed him with stomatitis, which is a viral infection.  However is blood work came back dangerously high and indicative of a bacterial infection.  Then he did a strep test, which came back negative.  They also gave him a shot rocephin.  Up until yesterday when all this took placed he LOVED the doctor, but now he is discovering no amount of suckers is worth all of this.

He came home and immediately went to bed and then woke up with a rash, which has progressively gotten worse since then.  We had to go back this morning for a repeat blood test anyway.  I assumed the rash was a reaction to the shot but the doctor doesn't seem to think so but we aren't really sure why he has it.  He cannot wear his shoes and it hurts to walk or to be carried.  His white blood cell count came down a little but is still more than twice the normal limit and the rest of the blood work is being sent away and we won't know anything until probably Monday.  I will say that catching urine in a cup from a not quite potty-trained little boy is VERY HARD!!  Thankfully that test, whatever it was for, came back good!

So for now we are waiting for the test results and we will not go back to the doctor unless his rash isn't better in one week or until he starts to leak puss out of eyes - nice, I know, - or until another mystery illness comes our way.

Here are some pictures of my precious little one from this afternoon and I know he has a pacifier and I know we got rid of it but really that's the least I can do is give it back when he cries for it after all he's been through!

Isaiah 40:28-31
DO YOU NOT KNOW? HAVE YOU NOT HEARD? The Lord is the EVERLASTING GOD, the CREATOR of the ends of the earth.  He WILL NOT grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He GIVES STREGTH to the weary and increses the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those WHO HOPE in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they WILL WALK and not be faint.

1 comment:

Mere said...

Bless his heart! JP broke out in a rash like this after a shot once and they SWORE up and down that the shot had nothing to do with it, but it went away 48 hours later so I still think it was shot related. Let us know if you need anything! We love y'all!