Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 5: In the Wilderness

Day 5 began with preparations for a long hike. Conner was feeling better so we decided everyone would come along. Even though I've been to this same area on vacation about 10 times I have never done this hike . . . and I will probably never do it again! It was tough, especially worrying about two kids and having to carry one part of the way and when I wasn't carrying him (thankfully, we had 8 other sets of arms to help) I could hear his screams for "Mama, Mama."

After we crossed a rickety old suspension bridge there was a big sign that said something like "you are in the wilderness and there is no marked trail and basically you are on your own!"

The hike was rugged and beautiful however there were SWARMS of mosquitoes and flies. I think the oxygen level is around negative 2 so it was very hard to breathe!! Luckily Conner and I only fell once and after that I was pretty much banned from carrying him because again this isn't really a nice level walking trail - some parts were like if you fall you may never stop and we'll send someone in for your body.

We finally made it to the waterfall we were seeking - two waterfalls met together and created a washing machine effect. I was way too scared to look - it was a long way down to slip and fall. Amy tried to hold on to me to help me look and I about hyperventilated!!

It started to rain and Conner REFUSED to be under a poncho so everyone else was mostly dry except for him.

All in all, it was a fun and grueling day!

The boys walking in hand-in-hand.
Conner was carried out asleep!
Mason held strong and hiked all the way through.

Don't tell the forest service but Mason found an aspen tree
that said Jay & Joshua 1990 & 1995 & then we added 2010.

The Brown family as close to the falls as I would get.
The picture does not do the ledge justice.

After we returned we had the most beautiful rainbow!
This is taken from our campground.

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