Thursday, May 6, 2010

Half Cherokee & Choctaw

My dear sweet Conner as I write this you are upstairs seemingly breaking the bars loose on your crib as I can think of no other explanation for the noise I am hearing! I have decided you are part Indian (obviously not from my side of the family!).

Yesterday during nap, you stripped down to nothing THREE times and each time I came to redress you, you did what can only be described as a victory dance and a war cry! Same goes for last night, you finally fell asleep butt naked and I dressed you again in the pitch black dark while you were sleeping. I told your Daddy that all the Indians I've seen in movies didn't wear many clothes either.

Today was our weekly trip to Wal-Mart, before we even got in Wal-mart I already had to change your shirt because you spilled your drink on it. You started out like a little angel (which btw, no matter what I say sometimes, you are an ANGEL!) so I spend too much of my time browsing - I should have known better. I should have known I have 45 minutes and thats it!

About aisle 8 you had enough and you wanted down, I relented only because the strap in the buggy didn't work and I was scared you would fall out because you kept standing up. I very firmly said DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING, as you proceeded to hand people industrial sized boxes of Ramen noodles, bread, salad dressing, etc. Everyone thought you were too cute and I offered to let them take you home!

Finally we made it to frozen food which meant we were almost done and we got Mason's Cinnamon Toast Waffles and like the kind-hearted good Mommy I am I gave them to you to put in the buggy and you proceeded to try and eat the box. As I grabbed a second box of waffles you ran away sensing the I would also try to put your waffles in the buggy. I left our buggy and my wallet in frozen foods and finally caught up with you in lunch meat and wrestled the waffles away from you. People were beginning to stare at us!

Even though we needed produce I decided I would do that later - straight to check-out we go! When I finally cleared out enough room I put you in the big part of the buggy where you found the pen that goes to the electronic card swipe thingy and you kept hitting the screen, when I asked you to stop, you stuck it up your nose (no joke!).

Down you go directly to candy bars. I am trying to sort my coupons and count my cash and I keep stopping to go get you away from the candy and this grumpy old lady is giving me a look that either means she a) thinks I'm a terrible mother, or b) thinks you are unruly or c) both.

On our way to the car, a sympathetic older lady parked in the handicapped spot takes one look at us and remembers us from inside and offers to help me put away my groceries!

Right after I filled up the back end of my car with groceries I discover you have a dirty diaper. I refuse to go back in the store so I change you standing up - not pretty!

At last we are home and you have another dirty pull-up which you try to change yourself but get stuck because you still have on your shoes so you pull it back up and it smears all down your leg!

I tell you all of this to say you may be part wild Indian but I love every ounce of you! The grumpy lady at the store can call me a bad mom all day long but she better not ever think ugly of you! She doesn't know about your sweet love, the cute way you say "Please," your love for adventure and mischief, and how you are the most effective cardio training I've ever had. So my dear baby boy continue keeping me on my toes - it makes a great blog and keeps my laughing all day!

Also, found some fab finds at Wal-mart today!

Cute shirts for the boys!

Not sure what I need these for but they were on clearance!
Rubber flexible storage totes (thinking they'll be good for vacation!)
Large one $1.50
Small ones 2 for $0.75

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You're an AWESOME mom, Mindy! And don't ever think otherwise! I will add that reading this blog post made me tired...let's hope that God prepares me with supernatural energy if my kiddo has even half the energy of Conner. ;)